New Delhi : Radhika Madan has added a new film ‘Sanaa’ to her kitty. According to Variety, ‘Sanaa’ is filmmaker Sudhanshu Saria’s directorial, which is touted as a social drama. The film will revolve around a headstrong and ambitious girl who is raging against an internal battle that is rooted in unhealed trauma.
Excited to be a part of ‘Sanaa’, Radhika said, “As an actor, I’m always looking to play impactful characters that make a difference. ‘Sanaa’ follows the journey of a strong and ambitious woman, set in today’s Mumbai. She’s a fascinating protagonist, complex and relatable, and the film’s ideologies very much reflect my own. It’s the easiest yes I’ve uttered.”
Saria, too, opened up about the movie, which is produced by Four Line Entertainment. “I’ve always believed in making films that are ambitious in quality and rich in story and messaging. I’ve nurtured this dream for seven years and I
couldn’t be more excited that Radhika Madan agreed to bring my titular character to life. The film is a powerful conversation starter and I hope it resonates with audiences worldwide. I hope the film makes it harder for people to judge women,” he shared. Apart from ‘Sanaa’, Radhika will also be seen in ‘ Kuttey’, and ‘Saas Bahu Aur Cocaine’ among others.